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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

MesotheliomaInfo2day - Symptoms Of Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Malignant peritoneal (abdominal) mesothelioma is an extremely rare condition. Only 100 to 500 cases are diagnosed in the US each year, making up less than 30% of all mesothelioma cases.
Peritoneal (abdominal) mesothelioma is a cancer affecting the abdominal lining, or peritoneum (paira-tin-e-um), which is why is is sometimes referred to as abdominal mesothelioma. This membrane supports and covers the organs of the abdomen.

The peritoneum is made of two parts, the visceral and parietal peritoneum. The visceral peritoneum covers the internal organs and makes up most of the outer layer of the intestinal tract. Covering the abdominal cavity is the parietal peritoneum.
Cells in these linings secrete a fluid which allows organs to move against one another. For instance, as the intestines move food through the body. The cells of the mesothelium are designed to create fluid, but the cancer causes them to overproduce, creating a build up of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Because pleural mesothelioma is more common and often spreads to the peritoneal (abdominal) cavity, it is important to determine if pleural mesothelioma is the primary cancer.

Symptoms of peritoneal (abdominal) mesothelioma (mesothelioma of the abdominal lining which is known as the peritoneum) may include, but are not limited to, the following:

- weight loss - but waist may increase in size.

- pain or swelling in the abdomen - fluid retention or tumor growth.

- bowel obstruction - blockage in the small or large intestine.

- anemia - a reduction in the number of red blood cells to below normal; this forces the heart and other organs to work harder to get oxygen where it's needed.

- Diarrhoea or constipation

- Poor appetite

- fever

These symptoms can accompany many other, less serious medical conditions; if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, and have been exposed to asbestos, you should see a doctor immediately. Asbestos exposure may have taken place 20, 30, even 50 years prior to symptoms appearing, but is a major risk factor; exposure is reported in between 70-80% of all mesothelioma cases.

Very often, asbestos exposure was second hand through a family member. Clothes dirtied with asbestos dust have carried fibers into homes, affecting spouses and children. Workers handling asbestos are now required to change their clothing before leaving work. If you see your physician because you are experiencing any of the mesothelioma symptoms listed above, please make sure to make them aware for any prior exposure, either first- or second-hand.

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