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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

MesotheliomaInfo2day - Mesothelioma Stage

Although there is no cure yet for this disease, much is known about the way it develops and progresses in patients who are unlucky enough to have been exposed to asbestos over a period of time in the work place, or through other exposure to friable asbestos. There are a number of mesothelioma stage progressions. There are two main staging systems in use for pleural mesothelioma. These are called the TNM system and the Brigham system. In the UK, the system that is mostly commonly used is the TNM system, which is broken down as follows:

Mesothelioma stage 1: Here the disease affects one the pleura only, although it may also have grown into the covering of the heart, and possibly also into the diaphragm.

Mesothelioma stage 2: By now, the cancer has spread to both layers of the pleura, but only on one side of the body.

Mesothelioma stage 3: At this stage, the condition is spreading rapidly, and may well have reached the oesophagus, the chest wall or the lymph nodes.

Mesothelioma stage 4: By the time this advanced stage has reached, the disease has spread through the bloodstream to other organs in the body. It may be affecting the liver, brain or bone.

The Brigham system takes a different view of the stages:

Mesothelioma stage 1: at this early stage the growths can be removed through surgery, and there are no lymph nodes containing cancer cells.

Mesothelioma stage 2: here the growths can still be removed through surgery, but cancer cells have been found in the lymph nodes.

Mesothelioma stage 3: By this stage, surgery is no longer effective because the disease has spread through to the chest wall, heart or other organs.

Mesothelioma stage 4: the disease has spread to other organs in the body such as the liver, brain or bone.

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MesotheliomaInfo2day - Mesothelioma Clinical Trial

Mesothelioma diseased lungs

Although there is currently no cure for this disease, there are currently mesothelioma clinical trials underway to test new drugs and procedures in the fight against the disease. These studies are divided into different phases.

In the first phase of mesothelioma clinical trials, only a small number of people are enrolled to test new drugs or decide how they should be administered. In the second phase, information is obtained about whether or not a new drug or procedure works, as well as information about safety and benefits.

In the third phase of mesothelioma clinical trials, promising new drugs or procedures are compared with current standard treatments. It is likely that larger numbers of people from across the nation will be involved, receiving either the new or the standard treatment to see which is the most effective.

So that the study results are sure to be accurate, participants in mesothelioma clinical trials must fit a certain profile. Eligibility is often specific according to age, the length of time since previous therapy, how far advanced the disease is, and other similar variables.

The National Cancer Institute has said the reason behind most mesothelioma clinical trials is to test new cancer treatments or new methods of diagnosing, screening for or preventing cancer. Because potentially harmful side effects are not know at the outset, dose and schedule modifications may necessary as the tests progress.

New kinds of drugs and treatments are constantly being tested to ensure that these patients receive the very best treatment that medicine today is able to provide in their particular circumstances.

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

MesotheliomaInfo2day - What Is Epithelioid Mesothelioma?

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Epithelioid (epithelial) mesothelioma is the most common type of cell, which represents about 50% to 70% of all malignant mesothelioma. These cells are relatively uniform in shape and have a tubular structure with a nucleus of the cell. The different cells are shaped blocks or multi-sided cases.

Because of the similarity between mesothelioma and adenocarcinoma of cancer cells, they are often confused and mesothelioma may be misdiagnosed. Inspection of cancer cells in a high-powered microscopes and identifying characteristics of the chemical properties of the cells may help them make the right diagnosis. Learn more about cancer epithelioid mesothelioma.

Like all forms of malignant disease, epithelioid mesothelioma is caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos in its friable form, which is in a form where the particles are thrown into the air. This usually occurs when asbestos is dealt with in a certain way, as a cutting or sawing.

Épithéliales mesothelioma is a rare and deadly form of cancer that can have a significant effect on the membrane lining the chest cavity, the heart, lungs and abdominal cavity. Currently, there are three forms of epithelial mesothelioma: the most common pleural mesothelioma, the second most common, peritoneal mesothelioma and the least common form, pericardial mesothelioma.

Most, if not all cases of mesothelioma epithelial are the result of exposure to asbestos. Indeed, one of the most worrying aspects of this type of cancer is that patients who suffer generally it was exposed many years, often decades earlier. This naturally makes it difficult to determine when and where the disease was contracted.

The main symptoms of mesothelioma epithelial are difficult to detect. They include shortness of breath and chest pain. Given that these symptoms could be caused by other factors, epithelial mesothelioma is often not detected early. Usually when his diagnosis, he is already at an advanced stage and treatment options, never good in the best case, are extremely limited.

However, if the cancer is at an early stage, some surgery may be tried. Aggressive treatment are treatments to cure lung cancer to asbestos, or at least increase the lifespan of patients. In some cases, an extrapleural pneumonectomy can be done to try to stop the spread of epithelial mesothelioma.

If the cancer is at an earlier stage, aggressive surgery may be required. Aggressive treatment are treatments to cure mesothelioma, or at least increase the longevity of patients. In some cases, an extrapleural pneumonectomy can be done to try to stop the spread of mesothelioma.

However, this operation is risky and many medical centers will not perform because of its high mortality rate. In addition, this procedure is to remove a lung, and epithelial tissues, thus reducing the breathing capacity of patients in two. Even when it rarely succeeds, it eliminates mesothelioma, but only slow its progression.

Palliative surgery (surgery aimed only to relieve symptoms) is an option at any stage of the disease. Usually this takes the form of a "fine needle aspiration" or tap the pleura. A tap pleural is to inject a long needle into the chest or the abdomen and draining the pleural cavity space fluid accumulates. This procedure May significantly reduced the symptoms associated with mesothelioma.

Radiation and chemotherapy are other options. Both treatments are systemic in nature and remove it would affect the surrounding tissue and cancerous tissue. Radiotherapy is often used in combination with surgery as a way to try to remove the cancerous growth which could not be removed by surgery. The chemotherapy has not proved very effective against mesothelioma epithelial, but doctors and researchers continue to experiment with new techniques.

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MesotheliomaInfo2day - What Is Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma?

Sarcomatoid mesothelioma is the smallest common type of mesothelioma cancer cells and represents about 10% to 15% of malignant mesothelioma. These cells are generally more of an oval, irregularly shaped and the nucleus of each cell is not as visible with a microscope that epithelioid mesothelioma cancer cells. Because of the similarity in appearance, sarcomatoid cancer cells can also be easily confused with the more typical sarcoma cancer cells. About the sarcomatoid cancer mesothelioma.

Sarcomatoid mesothelioma can often be confused with a variety of other types of cancers because of the commonality of sarcomatoid appearance. Sarcomatoid mesothelioma is often misdiagnosed as a type of cancer sarcomatoid. A cancer is a type of cancer caused by epithelial cells of the body.

Patients with sarcomatoid lung cancer often have symptoms similar to patients with sarcomatoid of pleural mesothelioma: chest pain, fluid accumulation in the pleural space (pleural effusions) and breathing difficulties. While sarcomatoid cancers can occur throughout the body, they are rarely found in the lungs, as little as 1.3% of all lung cancers are sarcomatoid of the variety. When sarcomatoid lung cancers occur, they are four times more likely to occur among men than women. Smokers also face an increased risk of developing lung cancer sarcomatoid.

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